Present: Secretary, Dr. 27 Nov 56 Evac Council - 11 tmerican University at Cairo University Eaacuee Council Geneva - Switzerland Hollenbach, chairman, Conn, Mrs. McLain, Chavarria, Provinse, Ingram, visitor. 2:45 PM Minutes of Cairo Interim Council: Chairman announced receipt of Council meeting minutes from AUC, Cairo, and read excerpts from minutes, but no definite word about reopening of school or return of Genova staff. Dr. Proctor to he asked to remain in Geneva until last evacuees return to Cairo. Meinardus' wife and children had best remain in Germany until families can proceed to Cairo. Retuurn to Cairo: Mrs. McLain reported on a letter from President McLain suggesting Dr. Chavarria and Dr. Ingram return first, thereafter Dr. Hollenb...