t :.merican University at Cairo University evacuee Council Evac Council — 13 1 Dec 56 Geneva — Switzerland 9:45 AM Present: Dr. Hollenbach, presiding, Dr. Provins,:, ùr. Chavarria, Mr. Conn, Mrs. McLain, l'ir. Horton, secretary. Greetings to the Cairo Council: ti draft letter to the University Interim Council in Cairo was read by Dr. Prcvinse, some suggestions were made for pos-sible incorporation into the letter. Report on Relief Program: Mrs. McLain reported that 4p166.00 had been col-lected to date. Press Conference: Mrs. McLain reported that a number of journalists were anxious to have a discussion about 4ypt. It was decided to distribute state-ments which would also be used to publicize the relief program in the local press. Discussion...