IT= U7Tv7PSITY COU tr-I D(Pcmbcr 1C,35( - 10:30 a.m. Dr. Boktoris Ofricc 1. 4315 - Fti,SfiT: Dr. HcLain (Chairman) D. Tngrrm, Dr. Lahr. Nnr-my, Nr.sers Boktor, Hanna Rtzk, Hollcnbach, Hirabar'shi, HpAni, Horton, ChavrvTia, lvkmuchcr, Gardner, Rizk Girgis, Vandc,rsral, '[.ahba. 1. ‘i31( - Ti, TTERCEN:Y PE-FRESH:TAN PROCIL, 1: Th( Interim University Council had a joint mcotinf with the. Comrpitt(o on Intcrim Educational pror-im t) consider the exmdiency of op( uing an cmcrcy Pro-Fr(shqnn class. Dr. Boktor said that since th( Enfaish ard Pr(ncn schools vould rcolorn on thc 2.9th of Dcccollocr, the Council was rcqufsb_d to makc a final d(cision so that the. nr3Erm, if an7orovcd, might be announccd in timc. Thc strlPfing of this cmcrFcncy class ...