1 II. Alumni: Nrs. Asa' ad Mrs, Aida Sourial Mh- , Ismat Sami Mrs, S ami Murad Mr • Sobhi Kamel r•IY, Hasan Husain NY, Alfred Mirshaq Mrs. Mai jans; Grace tir, A, Kavald jian Miss Jacqueline Khoury Mrs, Helmi Mikhail III, Students: sir. Rashad Karel flhss Aimee Susu Miss Adele Issa Mir, Helmi Girguis Mr. Kh.amis Hamdan Mä , Farouk Taleb 1. 4190 - MEALS SERVICE: Council decided: a - to canvass Vie opinion of stueents in Hill House re continuation of meals service. b - to asic all the gives of staff members now living on campus to form a committee to discuss whether to discontinue the food service offered to their families or to let it continue for a number of days, 1 4191 - RE-OPENT:G Or CLASSES: a - '1}:•. Hanna Rizk will informally get in ...