INTErar, 1P711771SITY COUNCTI Sp.turday, Dc,ccmlorai 2S-;, 195c— 9:30 1. 13330 - PRESENT: Dr. McLain (Chairman), Mrs. McLain, Dr. Lana Hamamsy, Dr. Christine Infran, Nesvrs. Manuche-:-, NirabaYashi, Boktor, Horton, Hanna Piz:(, Hollenbaei, Husaini, Chvarria and 7.4nhba. Dr. McLain opened the mceting with praTx. 1. 4331 - flINUTES: Ninutcs of IDcembcr 20 were rcar' and approved as corrected. 1. ii332 A.U.C. C;ISH DONATINS: On thc morninr; of last 7:,cdnesday, Dccembtr 26, Dr. McLain, Dr. Laila H•amTasjr and Mr. Hanna Rizk ca1ic.:0 at the Offic of thc Prsidc.nt nf the Penublic of EF.771-, where th: :' nrcsertid. a cheque of L.E.1500 and a letter describing the nl.lef 7)rogr,-m. 4f A.(T0C. durini.- the past ton months. 1. 4333 - JUNIOR Y7:J-1;...