conflicts vhiel will ^rise from the schc.dulinp of the fourth lecture ncriod for course. Insto,^.d of intensifying the To c,kly cl^ss schedule, he sug.gcstcd t:l a.t we cut v^.câ :.ions bct?rccn some stcrs and drop the. final examinntions wcck of both scmcstc rs. The follo".ring thrcc alto rn'ativcs wc:rc pro scntcd: 1. T^ hole our normal schedule, cut vacations, and to drop thc e xa.min- .ti on mc (k. 2. Add 10 minutes to each class rcriod. of 50 t iinutcs and thc.rcby save t lo ' leeks in the co`urúc: of ton wcc:ks (plan supgcstcd by Dr. Boktor). 3. To hold our normal schedule of thc 1st. scmcstcr, to institute, instead of a second sane stcr, a 12 week quarter with 12 hours of credit as t c.. regular load and classes of 3 crcd.its m...