4. c hould ask the Gov, rnmcnt about the suppliGs thnt -re needed so tbat when wc offer thc m-ncy wG c-n sp(cify thG rant, rial Oat should bc bnulht or thc soccifLc w7s in which our moncy gift will t. opcxt. 5. .4 continuing., pr)fr-'m of r(licf such as that which was suggested )17( ra,!, bc more ,,(1c)mc to the :Imcrican donors than askin for cash r(licf uithout men'i-ni- FO chic prograr- itCMF. 6. DGc -usu lf th( nntar of our iastitutian our continuing program of rclicf will bc restricted ill naturr. Howcw:r, we should think of cc,rtain re liGf acti-itdr,s such -s wool knittiiv, Fel.r.biyyas, in which our studcnts may participate in lac(; of a nart of their sncirl blurs. 7. -,ith cnnf4 CcDec, in the Govcrnm-nt wc c-n offcr nur cash. donat...