I I Current Acti?itiea - pag~ 7 ot the Department of State and lCA. For .GaB time reapon.tble officials in the government haye felt that it wa. ~portant that the Amerioan Univer.ities in the Middle Ea.t he given finanoial support to enable them to meet the growinc need. tor education in the area ~ Until now relatively .!nor and certainlT liaited funds have been made available for this u •• o Congress haa appropriated funda actually on a seale larger than haa been utilizedo The reason tor this haa been that the administration of the funds haa been restricted to specific technical education and for equipment or cODatruction and re-pair of existing plants" The goveraMeat ia COQ~roDted here with a unique aituatioDI private American institution....