r ~ .1 ' , I 1 - 3 - Profile of American Universlty 1n Cairo Table XVII-continued 1962- 1963 1963- 1964 1964- 1965 1965- 1966 1966- 1967 1967- 1968 1968- 1969 1969- 1970 1970- 1971 1971- 1972 Total ~7 AMOUNT OF FUNDS TO BE RAISED 38 1. For Educational & General Budget 39 Gifts & Grants, (Line 27, Table X'~ 119, 298973°8', 40 U.S. Government (Line 33. Table XI 384, 200, 215, 635, 242, 257, 272, 280, 300, 350, 814. 1000, 1254, 1442, 1565, 1255, 978, 773, 473, 41 Organ i zed Resea rch II 34, Tab 1e X1 1~--!2:!:0:.&'-t.._ _- -=~ __- -::~ __- -::~ __ ..L:::..1-__. t.::.L.-_...::~ _. ...;;:.::.z.. __; :..;.;r....._...;;.;;.&.._ __6 -..,3 ~iO;..c.' ~--" 42 Total Educational and General 25~ 6O-L 65. 70. 70, 80 80, 80 80. (Li ne 39+40+41) 523. 1039,...