i 1, 4147 - RE-ORGANIZATION OF INTERIN ADMINISTRATION: Mr. Hanna Rizk was asked to act as co-President. Wahba was asked to act as pro-tempore secretary of the Interim Council, Mr, Nanucher was asked to be a member of the Council. 1, 4148 - SOCIAL RESEARCH CENTER: ith reference to No, 4133 Dr. Boktor, Dean of University will supervise the S.R.C. and will have Dr. Tourabian as Assistant Director of S.R.C. All requests for payment will be signed by Dr. Tourabian and Dr. Boktor. 1, 4149 - PAYIENT OF PERSONNEL NOT LISTED Ref,, 14133, temporary personnel IN THE PAYROLL: are not to be paid beyond the point of agreement. Djenan Kamel and anyone else of similar status will be considered as being refularly employed by the University and should be giv...