862 UIT IVERSI TY FILiA.ITCE 863 APPRECI.ilTIOIT OF ADMIITISTRATIOIT ADD STAFF 864 ADJOURITPCITT j) That an appointment be authorized as a replacement for Mr. Charles Geddes, now Assistant to the Denn of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Upon mQ tion, duly seconded, the above recommendations, num-bered` aL, and b) through j) were adopted. Recommendation 1) and 3) regarding change in present titles of the Burser and Comptroller were discussed, the Treasurer questioning the advisability of changing Miss Lister's title. The Board authorized the Chairman and the President to con-sider and to decide this matter. Papers (a) to (k) on the Agenda were reviewed and explained by Dr. McLain. It wars suggested that the proposals for re-organization of ...