lilyec Com 5/19/58-p04 74 PERSONNEL MATTERS Univereitz.LiabUity for Merlical Conk - Provision for aasiet-ing with medical costs for members of the faculty is being studied IT the Administration. Tho allowance system an out-lined in the By-Lawn in now kaadaquate and a new arrange.ment in being worked out. No recommendation is being made at this time. TaiTp Dr„ McLain reported that personal income taxes in Agypt have about doubled. since he first wont to Egypt. Staff rtangtione (and increases) - Changes in personnel (in ad-dition to ?;11°. Conn's severanco and the appointment of Mr. Holtz) were reported an follows: Newton Smith is completing five years with the University this Juae and plane to 'eurn to AmorLca, probably to the University of ...