4. TOT.,..L TAC LL. CoApared to the fall enroll.iaent of 1955-56, our presont or:roll- lent in th-e D.orning unite hus re:aained unchariged (total .3Liroll.-aont of 400), vihile enroll.- . .„.Lt the ()-V-(3:(li.rlg ttlitS has diminished by 25/0 from. 245 to 195. It nay be to aìtioi hora that the fees pid this y.ir by 3 III :It xeo....;d the c;..lount of fu,-,'s colloctod last r fro2. the Lrgr evylaing student body. It bolief of both thc, lidessions Director the :lof; istrrx th.t uLìsc now :'.c.jors are sot up for ovoning students, :;:are.)11tont in these untis x5. 11 DI2TRI-.9UTION Tro:aen students fro:a 53./0 of the FAS student body, 50-10 of the .aorn.ing 31jof the ev3ling studeI,t body, and 45/0 of tho total student body of kj Jilivorsit...