Ill/ Against this must be placed a comparison of the work done. In terms of enrollment the following is the situation: 1931-32 1945-46 College 388 444 Faculty of Education . . 26 74 Division of Extension.55,031 66,764 S O S . . . . 96 114 JOURNAL OF MODERN EDUCATION. 438 Subscribers 1,326 Subscribers. In addition to these figures it must be remembered that the program of the Univer-sitv has diversified and developed in many directions since 1932. The Faculty of Fducation has approximately doubled the number of courses offered; the Faculty of Arts and Sciences has added a new department (Journalism); the Division of Fxten-sion has inaugurated an educational cinema program that in 1945-46 had a total audi-ence of 30,907 and added adult evenin...