MINUTES OP THE MEETING OP COUNCIL APRIL 20, 1940 10:00 A.Mo 1991. PRESENT: Dr. Cleland, in the chair; Messrs. Conn, Badeau, Amir, Adams, VandersalT. Dr, Cleland led in prayer. 1992. MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of April 13th were approved. 1993. BUDGET: Mr. Conn presented a preliminary draft of the budget, summarized according to the different major divisions. This was discussed at length and referred back to Mr. Conn. 1994. AUTOMOBILES: Council approved the suggestion that during 1940-41 no car should be bought for the Dean of the S.O.S. unless the cppital be raised outside the budget. Also that the University’s share of the proceeds from the sale of Dr. McClenahan’s car be set aside as a nucleus of a fund for a new car. Council dis...