MINUTES OP TEE MEETING OP COUNCIL MAY 25, 1940 10:00 A®Mo 2001. PRESENT: President Watson, in the chair; Messrs. Badeau, Amir, Cleland, Adams, Conn, Vendorsall# w W vi. vU vlxv 11 w UMlil 1. O y U w ItU. • ijivS i^Lx HI dl J Dean Badeau led in prayer. 2002. MINUTES: Counoil approved the minutes of the meetings of April 20 and 25, 1940. 2003. PROPERTY: Council accepted the minutes of the meetings of Property Committee of May 4, 11, and 18th# The question of a new workshop was held for further study of the location. Council authorized an expenditure of about LE.10.000 for tools as recommended in minute No. 587« Council asked for a definite recommendation regarding the the cubicle for the library cataloguer as suggested in minute No. 588, at a...