MINUTES OP THE MEETING OP COUNCIL JUFE 9, 1939. 11:15 A.M. 1900. PRESENT: President Watson, in the chair; Messrs. Cleland, Badeau, McClenahan, Conn, Vandersall. 1901 o BUDGET: Council reconsidered the action of June 7th No. 1894 and voted: a. To ask for a total of LE. 14970.166 from Philadelphia Local Income ___ 6128.000 Total expenditure in Cairo 21098.166 h. The amount of increase requested is L.E.454.166 v/hich includes i. exceptional increases due to changes made in the permanent staff of College and S.O.S. L.E.394.166 ii. clerical help for Bursar’s Office _____60.000 L.E.454.166 This is in further correction of No. 1889 (a) and No. 1894. 1902. THANKS TO MR|S. CONN: Council expressed its deep appreciation to Mrs. Conn for teaching in th...