MJLAIUTJS5 OF THE MEETING OF COUNCIL May 31, 1938 - 11:30 a.m* 1784, PRESENT: President Wat son, in the chair; Messrs, Cleland, Badeau, McClenahan, Conn, Amir, Yandersall. Dr, Watson led in prayer. 1785, MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting of April 9, were approved. 1786, MEDICAL SERVICE: Following $1781 Dr* Cleland submitted a memorandum regarding medical insurance, giving details of the service offered. Council approved the plan but defined "servants’* as meaning those paid by the University. Dr. Cleland was asked to try to arrange with Dr* Gilbert an extension of the plan to include private servants. Be was asked to report on the cost of such a plan, under which the employer or servant would make all payment, and the University none. 173...