MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COUNCIL APKIL 13, 1940 11:00 A. M. 1984. PRESENT: President Watson, in the chair; Messrs. Cleland, Adams, Badeau, Amir, Conn, Vandersail. Dr. Watson led in prayer. 1985. MINUTES: Council approved the minutes of the meetings of Jan. 4, Jan. 6, Feb. 10 and Feb. 17, 1940. GOrienting on No. 1963 Dr. Watson reported that the question of payment of income tax and a pension plan have been referred to the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees. No action had been taken by the time Dr. Watson recently left the United States. Commenting on No. 1964 Dr. Watson reported that arrangements were made before he left Philadelphia for Dr. Cleland to go on furlough during 1941-42, Dean Badeau during 1940-41, Dr. Watson during the...