MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COUNCIL April 9, 1938 - 11 a.m. j.778. PRESENT: President Latson, in the chair; Messrs. McClenahan, Cleland, Amir, Conn, Badeau, Vandersall. Dr. Watson led in prayer. 1779. MINUTES: The minutes of the meetings of February 26, 1938 and March 24, 1938 were approved. 1780. PROPERTY: The minutes of the meetings of the Property Committee of January 3, 1938 and March 12, 1938 were approved. They include details of plans for the removal of the hostel to the campus, and other routine matters. 1781. MEDICAL SERVICE: Council discussed at length a memorandum submitted by Dr. Gilbert Ibrahim in which he points out the advisability of setting up a University medical service to include students, staff, ana servants. The followin...