MINUTES OF -COUNCIL June 5, 1954 - 9*00 a.nu 3592 - PRESENT- Dr. Cleland, presiding; Messrs: Hanna Rizq, butrus, (X £ ' loq Vandersall, Boktor, Howard. Dr. Cleland opened the meeting with prayer. 3593 - SECRETARY, PRO TEM - Mr. Howard was asked to serve as secretary for the meeting since the recording secretary, Miss Rauschart, has completed her term of contract and has left for America. 3594 - MINUTES - The minutes of the meetin, of May 1, 1954 - # 3583-3591 were approved after minor corrections. 3595 - REPORTS - Dr. Cleland reported that the budget for 1954-55 had been passed by the Trustees* Finance Committee for a total of #182,090. He stated that, at the same time, the Committee took the position that hereafter no budget for a similar ...