MINUTES OP COUNCIL November 7, 1953 9*00 a*21 3511 - PRESENT: The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr* Cleland. 3512 - MINUTES: The minutes of the meetings of October 7 and 10, 1953 - #3^97 to 3510 - were approved as corrected* 3513 - TIME LIMIT ON STATED MEETINOS: Mr. Vandersall moved, seconded by Dr. Howard, that Council meetings henceforth should be limited to one and one-half hours because of the pressure of work. After discussion, during which the Chairman called attention to the difficulty of placing any time limit on Council meetings because of the Council1s responsible position and the amount of committee and departmental work to be reviewed and acted upon at the monthly meetings, it was moved and seconded to lay the matter on the ...