Of Qcmmll Mar. 8. 193^. 1424. gtsaatc > Dr. Watson (In chair) Dr. UflClenahan, Messrs Salt. Clelend. Parker and Howard. Dr. Vat son. opened with prayer. 1425. MTOggff. i The Minutes of the mooting of So*. 11, 1933 read and approved. I426* m ?0 mW® i Respecting item 1421 it was pointed oat that only the American Mission joined with the University in giving a reception to the American Minister. it was the opinion of the Council that in the future the incoming Minister should he given a reception ty the University that would introduce him to Aptian friends of the University and others outside the American community, if the policy indicated this year is continued, i.o* introducing cue minister to the American circle under ths official auspic...