Ux ' \ o MINUTES OF TH5 MiSSTIHG OF COUNCIL November 14, 1942 - 11:30 a, a* 2283. : President Watson in the Chair; Messrs Adams, Boktor, Cl eland, Howard. Dr, Watson led in prayer. 2284. jSSEE5 Council approved the Minutes of October S, after amending No,2275 by inserting after Vahdersall’s oar; *and four new tires belonging to Mr, Vandersall for L.E.5S.” 2285. EVACUATION: Dr, Watson reported a very appreciative acknowledgment from the American Minister in reply to Dr. Watson’s letter about evacuation (No.2276), 2286. AMERICAN AffMSTs Dr. Watson reported that he had asked General Maxwell whether the inquiries mentioned in No.2281 enlisted a personal interest on the part of General Maxvell, and was informed that they did not. This would indi...