0 \ phaft mrors of the ictths or cmmtt Jma 20» 1942 - 9:00 &,m, 2229. PEESIffiT: President latson, in the chair, Messrs Adsm . Venderaall. Dr. Watson opened the mooting with prayer• 2230. HI BOTES; Council approved the minutes of the meeting of June 13, 1042. 2231. LETTER TO GS-riRAL r AT-" DLL: following Minute 2226, Dr. Watson reported that ho and Dr. Olelsnd has presented tho letter, sad ’md than so n Hr. Itifc, American Minister. Council approved two cablegrams Dr. Watson had sent to Philadelphia reporting what had boon done in Cairo, and asking theta to p\mh the matter from tlioir end. 2232. COLL.GB CuRRICTULDM COtuITT .g: Council discussed at length a latter from Mr. Howard, prepared as requested Hnute 2227, and a draft of a suggested...