MINUTES OP COUNCIL February 7, 1933. 1344. 1345. 1346. 1347. 1348. 1349. 1350. 1351. PRESENT Dr. Watson (in chair), Messrs. Ole land, Galt, McClenahan, paiteer, Miller, Jeffery. Dr. Hill sat in on meeting. Dr. Watson opened with prayer. MINUTES Minutes of nEeting of January 14 were approved as typed. CARNEGIE BOOHS - Dr. McClenahan reported on present position with regard to return from the Ministry of Education of the Carnegie books. Some 80 books are still not located and steps must be taken either to establish the responsibility of the Egyptian Government or negligence in the shipping directions of the Smithsonian Institute. , E1XJ0ATI0NAL CONFERENCE IN SYRIA - Responding to letter from professor Dodd, it was agreed to vote for the postp...