\JtC.\0 2049* 2050. 2061. 2062. 2053. 2054. 2055. 2D 56. MINUTES QT THE MEET BIB OP COUNCIL SEPT. 28, 1040 XliOO A.K# mESMTi President Watson, In the chair) Messrs# Howard# Adam, Boqter, Conn, Vsndersall. Dr# Watson led in prayer. MBTUTSBf The minutes of the mating of July 07, 1940, wore approved. (UPON i Dr# Watson pointed out that No# 2042 (e) it not clear# and should roads the position will bo hold open, but without salary, for one year subsequent to September 15, 1040, namely# until Septea&er 13# 1941# in the hope that a renewal of service will become possible| failing in this, Mai that year, his appointment would lapse unless renewed by a fresh appointment". Council approved this change. FINANCE* Council approved the minutes of the mee...