Wc.\o UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES A. U. C. LIBRARY felMUIaa u? mn, MgHIIMa Or CoUMCIL September 8, 1943 — 11:00 A.H. 2381»£HSaBNT»* Dr. Watson, in chair; Messrs. Buktor, Cleland, Howard, Adams. Dr. Watson led in prayer. 2382- MIHUTiflS: Council approved the Minutes of July 31, 1943. 2383- oaADI^X CRLRBRaTIOH: Reference to Minute 2378 Dr. Cleland reported that celebration did not take plaee on our property at the explicit request of the Prime Minister. 2584-DR CLa LAND: The President reported receiving cable from Mr. Lum forwarded to him in Jerusalem approving a year’s leave for Dr. Cleland for war service while in America, as he had not had any intimation of such a request, he cabled Mr. Lum accepting the arrangment as a Trustee decision and respon...