VK l<> (?,!e \ 'imitoG of Council UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES A. U- C. LIBRARY Saturday* February 1 t L>47 «■ lit00 y 28SO - Presenti Dr• Clol/nd, acting chairman! S%<sars* Conn, ~o\mrd, Vonders&ll, Adams* Dr* Cloland led in prayer* 2831 • Rijwtos i The Minutes of the called moating of February 1, 1947 wore ap-» prorod as typed * Hes* 2323 to 2329, after slight amendment* 2332 - Hoar ast Christian Coimoili Following lllnute Ho* 2825, Dr* Cloland r^norEoT"bKa^ TiWTEgy^"" ; n^r-Mission Council has become a constitxient area mambar of the fear i aat Christian Cornel 1 and that Dr* Badeau has boon appointed on® of tho representatives of ftgypt Inbar—'lssion Council on Dear East Christian Council, to replace Dr* Cloland, resigned* 2333 m Pro...