\|C, V 0 linutes of Council Saturday, Hay 17, 1947 ~ lOlOO A*M# 2874 - Prosentt Ur. Badeau, in tho chair* Messrs* Com, Fauna Fisk, Howard, Yandersall, Adams# 1/ Dr# Badeau led in prayor* 2875 - Minutest The Minutes of the Special hleeting of Council of April "So, 1947 - Hos* 2366 to 2875 - were approved as typed. 2876 ~ Faculty o£ Arte and Science*i The minutes for tho meowing of April 16, 1947 -Bos• 3161 to 5109 • were aporovod# The items were routine# 2877 - Educationi The minutes of the Faculty of Education for the meeting of Bay T^, 1947 - No*# 362 to 368 - were approved. The item* were all routine# 2878 - Property! Theminutes for the Ejecting of April 21, 1947 * Nos# §lG to 920 - wore approved. Item* routine. 2879 Financei The minutes ...