I1IHUTE3 OP THE COUHCIL 3ept ember 22, 19 28 959. 950. 951. Organization: Members Present: Dr. Watson (in chair), Messrs. McQuiston, Cl eland, Jeffery, Galt and Garthoff. Dr. Watson opened v/ith prayer. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of May 12th, 18th, June 1st, and 7th were approved. Reports of Departments: Reports of the present condition of the various departments were presented - Finance by Mr. Garthoff; 3.0.3. by Mr. Jeffery; College by Mr. Galt; Extension by Mr. Cleland; Education by Mr. Galt. 962. Staff Changes: Dr. Watson called attention to changes in the staff not noted in previous minutes as follows: On long term appointment: Jas. I. Parker to the Bursar’s Department. Porter Miller to the Chemistry Department of the College....