mmrm or the mmm m tmm.% g^tbruary ZX X942 - XI<00 a»s3. 2178. fR8888gi President ateon, in the obair, !4essra. C Island, Adams, Howard, Beghoy v Vsndereall. Dr. Hetsoa. lad In prayor. £176. MWTIS: Cou&ell approved the ntasBtes of ih® mating of February 7, 1942 • 2177. STHTfag? gOC&Vl&Slgi Council approved the resmimsndatlftTi ~~’v~ that 0- the ombiIaa of Ms departure to join the Stay* m should pay him his atlas? through the month of Marsh, 1942. 2178. COUBOE CtmniCtrUM cmnmZMt Coonoll discussed a WfH» frew the Curriculum Ccssciitteo of the Cellegs to suSmit three menraemda to tho Trustee# regarding the onrollmnct of Bgyp-fciwna in. the SSatrieulation Motion* The rondo were oomittod to Dr* Clelaad and Dr. Aduias who tire aehod to draft a ...