c.\0 of the m^nm oi! comcih university archives December TO, IP41 - 11:00 a* m. A. U* C LIBRARY £156. Pre*l&©nt Vataon, In the chair; Messrs. Clel<md, k&rm$$ Howard, hoc* tor, Vanderenll. Dr. Vateon led in prayer. ?169. lliiiiiXliii.* he minutes of the meeting of wov. P9th x ere approved. 3180. COKTfiACTS WITH TEACHgRS? Council changed the wording of Minute 2148, Oct. 18, 1941. The last sentence is replaced toy this: "Also an agreement with the British Council for the services of Mr. J. Uldall to teach Comparative Education, payment of an honorarium of L.E.100.000 to toe made to the British Council. 2161, Council approved the minutes of the meeting of the Property Committee on Nov. 29th. They include routine matters. 2163. SUPftKVlSXOtt ...