^ \ c.\0 k \ turn* fimm* laapg-a nr qa or coppcil. Au^gt %f It&l - lit xi • Watson, in the oh&ir Ba®@rs. llaward, M«s*» Bolrfeor, Vandoraall* Dr. Watson iod In prejw. x UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES A. U> C. LIBRARY %%$&. UCWg^gg Covaoil appremi tta® istaftoa of tlk9 tooting of 5, 1941 onoopt* tMfc in 8b»21M, regarding im®m tass* &nmU aofcod that tfta miadttlphl* sMw should b» reatedod that tho pa^OBfc of ft portion of tho ittocea® tan far ^paMnant* mi sho M be atitaid* the badi^b* £130* FUTAIPgB? ttevmil ai^rered the mtowtia of the Fimi Ooexalttee aaetlzig of Ably 28 * 1941. *2h© pr&nlpftl iiorae leel idt raising hootol fe*, for enlarging the hostel, bodgefe, distrt- btafcian of v:r. M&* and. rot&S&e motors. IJoserer# irutor &>»#79, the arrong...