MAF3J hxbu ' s m UBIV ■ ; UH v; UCr I O •& Hsmmb*T 9* 1957 ^ l »» w . •■-■'* 4 * ** "** A. u. C. LISBA^0 '•’f* r... :> BY* President H(Mn (chairman)* ;fir« Kssjaeey, Ur*"VMad"leiSd, Kps* fei Hr* Conn, Hr* Hixk., £r* Mctef and Ks* Horton t{ Boo rotary) * 1*4 gMM&BMfXCSF OF ACKBBA (todoaire 194} Die agenda was read and approved* 1*4571 MKfUT S« She minute© of October 19* 1957 were- read imd approved* 1*4572 AWESKAB' FfiMMl €BABto#» It was reported that Hr* Culbertson would to leaving the How York ofH ce around February 1 to work once again toot for the Pord Foundation* 1*4573 W0» Sfr 'emmw&x m Zimtmm t Enclosure 195) fhe report on depart- meni&l groupings (Morenee Hinute 1*4565) was rend and proved as an addition to the report of the taaai...