(J £ ' 1 OCK THE UNIVERSITY SENATE Approved Minutes 9j3.0 A*M# Presents: President McLain (Chairman), Dr# Namani, Dr# Ao Said, Dr. Rizk, Mr# Kahil, Dr. Shoukri, Dr# Nowaihi, Dean McLain, Dr# Miller, Mr# Holtz and Miss Klein (secretary) 1.4857 The President reported that he had asked Miss KLein to join the Senate, to make records of the meeting, etc, 1.4858 Congratulations were extended to two members of the Senate who have new sons — Dr# Alphonse Said with son Ramse£ and Dr# Laila Hamamsy with son Abdel Salam# 1.4859 The agenda was considered#(Enc# 321) No changes or additions, 1.4860 Dr# McLain announced that Dr. Hamamsy will take the place of Dean Horton on the Senate during the absence of Deap Horton# 1.4861 Minutes of October 10, 1959 ...