.1IUUTES OF THE MEjstjlmi* ur uoutturn September 24, 1938. Council Organisation 1938-1939 onn, Mc^enaA&ft, vanaersall • Members: President Watson, chairman. Conn Bursar q# MBTi MoClenahan? inutes <8£ t&e Meetings of June 4, 11, and 14, 1938 Cleland Extension Amir Education Badeau Dr* Wa ) College of Arts lowing changes, occurring Yandersall ) and Sciences (In each case unless otherwise noted the first named is Chairman, the last Secretary) take charge of Religious Education. Mr. Delbert Sterrett joins the College staff, replacing Mr. H*L* Finance: Cleland, McClenahan, Conn. Mr. Harry Grewson, Jr*, is added to the College staff, teaching y mathematics and physical education. Property: Badeau, Conn, Vandersall. 1820 FINANCE: The minutes of...