Genre: Oral history/adat. Title: Tomas Toda, kampong Nitung lea, tells about Watu Keso (Keso stone), a large stone near the ritual centre ('dhubu'). Watu Keso came about during the volcanic eruption in 1928 when Keso, who first had fled with the other villages, returned to bring some valuables that he forgot. He told his wife, went and was never seen again. When the people returned to the village they saw the big stone near Keso's house, and that stone was him, or exchanged with him. Recorded in Tomas' home early evening 1 Oct 2015 sitting on the 'woga' at the back of the house because there was about to be a party nearby. Recorded by SD with an AT Lavelier mic, because the AT2020 mic was not really appropriate for the place we sat on. Toma...