Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru3. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940) from kampong Kaju Keri recorded in the home of Pidu (Ebbe) in the nearby kampong Mata Mere, in the morning 19 Feb 2014. Wora is a relative of the healer-sorcerer Methi Liru (c. 1885-1974), who was the topic of three recordings this day. This short tale and another (MethiLiru3) just give some examples of what Methi did in her life as a sorcerer-healer (SL: 'pisa', even 'pisa molo'. BI. 'dukun', 'dukun hebat'). In this story she magically cures a couple's child, who has just died from food poisoning (?). But she extracts a stone from the leg of the woman (?) and throws it away, to the west. This morning's set of recordings were the only ones ever done with a Shure 58 mi...