Genre: Oral history. Title: Ware cane. One of the first recordings, from when I knew better what to look for, and people were more willing to speak. Here, Sebastianus Sosu (b. 1944, former village head of desa Ladolaka), kampong Nara, tells about Ware Cane (Big Ware) who possessed supernatural powers, by descent people think.Two well-known examples are brouhgt up, with hundreds of witnesses. Sosu (Soni's father) had once been put on top of a kenari tree, hanging from a tiny branch. Lebi, a woman who still lives in kampong Mata mere, was once, in the 1970s, taken for a ride by Ware Cane's djinn (or what it is), for several days and nights. The people saw fire in the sky and chased after, sawe her, thenm she disappeared again, until finally s...