Genre: Oral history/personal history/ata nutune: Toji Cawane, a grandmother from kampong Cawalo, tells at length about 'ata nutune' (people whose souls can leave their bodies, and disturb people, both in their dreams and while awake, as in Toji's story here) in a recording done together with Maria Methi Puine(28 March 2016, Monday, last day of Eastern). Toji said that the ghost-witches were often from the same village. As a child she was once ill/hurt in her legs. Toji saw the ghost-witch, Wongga, once, who came to pull and throw something at her legs. Pisa Siko, a man able to see ata nutune, was called upon and he asked if they had any debts or quarrel. Siko mentioned Wongga, who Toji’s father indeed owed a small debt. Wongga was called up...