Genre: Ancestor myth. Title: Lengu Nande (b. c. 1916) tells an ancestor myth; Kuni no'o Laja (Placenta and Semen, the combination of which means descendants). From the third recording session with Lengu Nande, 18 June 2015. She had said that she had no more tales, but she had (also a couple for a fourth session). Recorded with the AT2020 mic in the house of Pui and Yuli (chosen for all recordings with her). Present were Maria Methi (heard in a few recordings) and her mother Yuli (also heard in a few recordings) and a few neighbours. Photos in SD1-044 to SD1-050, and in SD1-025 to SD1-028Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain