Genre: Family history. Title: Cawa Lunda. Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916) tells about the man Cawa Lunda, who passed away in the 1970s. SD, who is named Cawa Lunda on Palu'e, had to inquire about this ancestor. So we found out that he DID NOT drown, as others had told us, and his grave is in the village, unnamed. Apparently he nevr married and lived in his father's house until old age, still a bachelor. So Like in several of the recordings from this day, there are several voices. From the third recording session with Lengu Nande, 18 June 2015. She had said that she had no more tales, but she had (also a couple for a fourth session). Recorded with the AT2020 mic in the house of Pui and Yuli (chosen for all recordings with her). It opens with SD's...