Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Methi Liru2. Wora Ngangene (b. 1940), kampong Kaju keri, recorded in the home of Pidu (Ebbe), Mata Mere, in the morning 19 Feb 2014. This morning's set of recordings were the only ones ever done with a Shure 58 microphone. The recordings are not loud enough, due to low rec level settings to reduce the background noise and the subject's soft voice, and at times unclear speech (because of age, no teeth). Wora (born 1940) is a resident of the neighbouring kampong Kaju Keri and is a relative (nephew?) of the healer-sorcerer Methi Liru (c. 1885-1974), who was the topic of three recordings. The content of the longer recording is also covered in another recording, titled M Liru, narrated by a young relative of W...