Genre: Oral history (late 1800s, 1900s). Title: Nua Meline. This recording, from one of the first recording sessions, was made with only the H4N recorder in the home of Bapak Woko (b. c. 1938), kampong Kaju keri, 25 Feb 2014 in the morning, with only him and Stefan Danerek present. Here Woko tells the history of the merchant house built by Nua Meli (Nua is a man's name that means house) in Tomu by the beach, that existed when a Nua Meli (b. 18--) was a lakimosa (adat leader) of the Keli domain (Meli was a lakimosa from Lei who married and moved to Tomu? Tomu people do not know anything about this anymore).At this harbour/beach and store and trading post, goods from the island, such as green peas, were stocked for trading with sea merchants,...