Genre: Custom. Title: Nua adha (Customary house/Rumah adat). Johannis Wéra, kampong Mata Mere, tells about the construction of an adat house, nua pi’i, with bamboo and long grass roof, and particularly the one in their kampong, a smaller version than the one found at the ceremonial center. It is a communal work, done by the elders or firstborns. Were informs about how many pieces of bamboo and connecting ”valves” and else you need, including the direction of placement, for instance of entrances. Recorded by Pitu Sopune 18 July -16. With Bapak Lunda. Both elders has since passed away, Bapak Lundan yesterday (25 Sep 2023. RIP). Both men passed on important knowledge in their recordings. We just wish we had more of demonstration on video about...