Genre: Custom. Johannes Wéra recorded by Pitu Sopune in kampong Mata mere, 18 July 2016. Johannis Wera gives a sample of singing for a new 'sobhe', a small boat. Sitting with Bapak Lunda, who was also recorded. Transcribed and translated by Mboe Erixon as an assignment of the FEL supported project to teach ELAN to Palu'e youth, practicing directly on yet unannotated recordings. Edited by SD.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Kéli domain
Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Cele wae. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hila...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Fable told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story t...
Genre: Fable. Title: Dheke no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow). Fable told by Nggeno, daugter to Johan...
Genre: Custom/New boat. Johannis Wéra a grandfather from kampong Mata mere, tells a little about the...
Genre: Custom/healing. Petrus Lunda (Pisane) tells and exemplifies about how to cure or make people ...
Genre: Custom. Title: Nua adha (Customary house/Rumah adat). Johannis Wéra, kampong Mata Mere, tells...
Genre: Oral history. Dhanda, Martinus Mboi, kampong Habi, Woja, tells about Wae Dhoka, a place where...
Genre: Oral history/custom. Title: Togo Pou1. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Sosu merine. The first recording of a narrative on Palu'e. Sebastianus S...
Genre: Oral history/custom. Title: Togo Pou2. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in ...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Ware Pa'e and the Keli-Edo Woto war. This recording, from one of ...
Genre: Linguistics/word list. Supplementary to Palu'e phonology. Recording made in the evening 9 Oct...
Genre: Adat (Custom)/ceremony. Title: Adha dhubu. Anastasia Roja, kampong Wolondopo, Edo (Hedho) dom...
Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Cele wae. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hila...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Fable told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story t...
Genre: Fable. Title: Dheke no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow). Fable told by Nggeno, daugter to Johan...
Genre: Custom/New boat. Johannis Wéra a grandfather from kampong Mata mere, tells a little about the...
Genre: Custom/healing. Petrus Lunda (Pisane) tells and exemplifies about how to cure or make people ...
Genre: Custom. Title: Nua adha (Customary house/Rumah adat). Johannis Wéra, kampong Mata Mere, tells...
Genre: Oral history. Dhanda, Martinus Mboi, kampong Habi, Woja, tells about Wae Dhoka, a place where...
Genre: Oral history/custom. Title: Togo Pou1. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in ...
Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Sinyo Welen 2 (Raja no'o Putri, King and Princess). This tale is told fro...
Genre:Fable. Title: Tira no'o Manu (Eagle and Hen), told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story teller) ...
Genre: Oral history. Title: Sosu merine. The first recording of a narrative on Palu'e. Sebastianus S...
Genre: Oral history/custom. Title: Togo Pou2. Tole Du'a (Bangu Ngasune) was recorded in his home in ...
Genre: Legend/Oral history. Title: Ware Pa'e and the Keli-Edo Woto war. This recording, from one of ...
Genre: Linguistics/word list. Supplementary to Palu'e phonology. Recording made in the evening 9 Oct...
Genre: Adat (Custom)/ceremony. Title: Adha dhubu. Anastasia Roja, kampong Wolondopo, Edo (Hedho) dom...
Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Cele wae. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hila...
Genre: Fable. Title: Ro'a no'o De'u (Monkey and Rat. Fable told by Nggeno Warene (J. Ware, a story t...
Genre: Fable. Title: Dheke no'o Sololika (Gecko and Sparrow). Fable told by Nggeno, daugter to Johan...