Genre: Narrative adat/ritual. Title: Cele wae. Sosu Wakene (b. 1930), kampong Ndeo, recorded by Hilarius Ratu in Ratu's home around noon 22 Aug 2014, one of his first recording sessions, using only the H4N Zoom, as it was just before I had purchased the AR2020 mic. Sosu recounts a traditional oath, Cele wae ("Dive into water"), used in disputes about ownership of things or land, to settle who is right and who is wrong. In Sosu's narrative it is about who owns a coconut tree. The ritual uses a large earthen pot, filled with water and paddy grains (raw unpolished rice grains). The two who are challenging each other, or one the other, having a dispute, will swear on the ancestors and then put their heads into the pot, and the one who is wrong ...