Genre: Adat (Custom)/ceremony. Title: Adha dhubu. Anastasia Roja, kampong Wolondopo, Edo (Hedho) domain recorded for the third time, now by SD with Pitu Sopune (who recorded Roja twice in Oct -15) 16 March -16, from late morning until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The recordings were done both on the porch in front of her house with the H4N and inside with the AT2020 mic placed on a table, this item used the AT2020. Roja's sister and several family members were also present nearby. She told several tales and two 'huru' this time. Here Roja tells about the local custom at the ceremonial centre. How to do if someone is ill, and it is connected with the planting season for green peas. The patient, or his/her family, brings a glass of green...