Genre: Custom/family history. Anastasia Roja tells of a huge pair of ivory and gold rings which are hold within the family (the recipient family in the Ndéo domain, in exchange for a boat) and the dowry system, which ties families together. 'Huju baku' is the term for this relation between families who are not necessarily joined by blood, but who aid each other in such issues, concerning prestige and wealth. Such relations are long lasting. Recorded by Pitu Sopune (Ebbe) 13 October 2015 outside of Mama Roja's house in the early afternoon. Transcribed and translated by Mboe Erixon as an assignment of the FEL supported project to teach ELAN to Palu'e youth, practicing directly on yet unannotated recordings. Edited by SD.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa T...